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Prompt: “Sometimes you wake up. Sometimes the fall kills you, and sometimes when you fall, you fly."

I like that quote from Neil Gaiman. We wrote to it during my writing group and I came up with this weird response:

I found out today a friend is getting divorced. Even though I spend about a thousand percent of my life complaining about my family, it makes me sad to think that there's will now be ending. All of a sudden like that.

I saw a sign at the women’s march that said “No more families torn apart” and it made me cry, then my kid did this pre-teen sneer, “Mom, are you crying?”thing and I thought, well, maybe just this one.

Why is it I only “Attempt to fly” during the most desperate post-fall circumstances? I have to rush super fast towards my death before I’m motivated to flap a little but maybe if I tried to flying from here, I’d be starting out way higher, like metaphorically or hypothetically or something like that.

I was listening to a podcast by an author whose son had been brutally injured in a hit and run accident. She was at the hospital advocating for him and did a bunch of stuff like using fish oil and a positive mindset to save her son’s life. There was other stuff too, I'm sure fish oil is great, but it's not that great. I just can't remember the other stuff and I can't find the podcast to link it.

I thought about myself and how non-heroically I think I would act in a situation like that. I’m not really the crusading mom type even though I’d like to be. If there were a curl into a ball vs flip a car spectrum, I would fall into the fetal-position range, not for a lack of caring. It’s just really hard to be assertive, especially with doctors and people in authority. It doesn't come naturally for me.



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