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Five-minute Free Write: First Jobs

I had spent part of the summer with a new friend who taught my other friend and I how to turn a Pepsi can into a pipe to smoke pot. Unfortunately, the fifteen dollar baggie of weed we’d purchased turned out to be oregano. While we didn’t get high in the traditional sense, I remember laughing together while feeling the burning feeling in our throats and getting high on the idea of getting high. That had a strong enough placebo effect to break down our inhibitions. By the end of the night we had called the guy who had sold us the, um herb.

My friend and I were both in love with him and normally would have been too embarrassed to have a coherent conversation with him. I mean, I guess we must have at least once, because one of us made the score to buy the counterfeit drugs that we’d spent our saved-up lunch money on since neither of us had jobs except babysitting, which in those days only paid a dollar an hour. Robbery.



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