I'm flunking my screenwriting class. I'm flunking my screenwriting class because I can't make myself give a shit.
Actually, that's not true. I'm flunking because I really, really give a shit. I want to be the best screen writer in America. In the world.
But I'm terrible. I hate being terrible at it, especially since I had such grandiose ideas that I would be awesome and it would come naturally.
It doesn't. And it's humiliating because we have to share our work in front of the whole class, so for the first time since I was a real college student back in the nineties, the kind who was trying to get a degree and not just deferring her student loans until she dies or becomes permanently disabled, I skipped class.
Then I skipped the next week.
I tried to go back the following week but I was so far behind that it's not looking good in the old gpa department.
Some people say failing is good for you. Usually, they say that because they see your sad, pathetic face and they want to make you feel better.