Recovering a Sense of Possibility

It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop. —Confucius
We're into our fifth session of our Mornings with Moms group and things are speeding along. After going through a spell of not writing at all, I've been bombarded with ideas and the kind of motivation I haven't felt in a long time. Finding a balance between caring for my family and caring for my inner artist doesn't feel as daunting when I have my tribe. Creativity is an act of faith. We leap and the net appears.
In The Artist's Way for Parents: Raising Creative Children, Julia Cameron reminds us that the way to raise a creative child is to practice creativity ourselves. How do we do that? We can start start by finding our joy."We think, as parents, that we must be very serious. But we are serious enough. It is a healthy dose of joy that our children require. Let us loosen our grip on the obsession with perfection, with the 'master' of parenting, and allow ourselves to explore and delight in the mystery instead."